About Our Journal: moonShine review

Away from the harshness of daylight, promises are made, bodies come together,
words are spoken that can never be taken back—and the creative process thrives.

Debuted in the spring of 2005, moonShine review is more than a journal of creative prose and photography. It is about what speaks to you in the moonlight and the shadows cast in mind and memory. For only in the darkness can we expose all of ourselves.

We do not typically set a theme in advance. Rather, what comes to us coalesces into a theme. We find the thread through your words and pictures.

In 2019, we celebrated our fifteen-year anniversary of publishing this bi-annual creative prose and photography journal.  And each year marks incredible growth, talent, and gratification. We are proud to choose writers who go on to publish their own books and photographers who prosper in the arts communities. We continue to be a venue for new, emerging talent and strive to create a journal that balances talent with a twist—adept and awe-inspiring, peculiar and profound, radical and relentless.  We’re always looking for that twist.

NOTE: We are not a journal looking for the “shock effect.” As the publisher, I must relay my likes and dislikes and let you know what will—and won’t—grace our pages. I like a story with a real twist—I don’t like anything bordering on the B-movie realm. I don’t mind squirming a little at the psychological horror one human can induce on another, but I don’t tolerate, even in fiction, violence against animals or children. Unless you’re sure your story—and writing talent—is great enough to take me beyond my biases, I suggest you search for another publishing venue. It’ll take a truly great story to change my mind on this measure. And still, I advise against trying.

Please know everyone, including myself, who works on this publication, and all our publications, volunteers our time. We do it because we love the arts and are passionate about the written word.

To all who have helped us—contributors and purchasers, friends and family, volunteers, other publishers, and the great writing community at large—we thank you each and every one.

In 2023, we continue efforts to speak out more, to act for change rather than idly stand by. Believing in equality, in social justice, is no longer enough. Writers stand on the front lines of change. We expect moonShine review to be a vehicle for such. So, send us those submissions—speak to us, speak to the moon, speak to change.

Keep Writing. Keep Sharing.
Anne M. Kaylor

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